A soulmate was coming from the other side, lived years and years on the earth,
looking for the woman he loves..
She died many weeks ago.
De sferen zijn zo mooi. Hij voelde zich
geborgen, maar kon zich niet verankeren zonder haar te hebben gezien.
Hij ging wat vroeger over, maakte voor haar een plaatsje vrij.
Lange tijd liep hij te zoeken of zij nog op de aarde verbleef.
Wat zou het fijn zijn samen te zijn.
Samen in het Grote Licht, hand in hand hun lessen leren en nooit meer gescheiden
te zijn..
A soulmate was coming from the other side.
He was so lonely.
He was looking for the woman he loves, to live forever..
Where are you now, my love..?
Still on the earth or in heaven..?
I call your name and you will hear me..
Kom naar huis, blijf niet aards gebonden.
Jouw geestelijk huis staat klaar en wij zullen nooit meer dwalen.. |
It's my soulmate, I can hear him sing.
It's my soulmate, he will find me on this
His soul gave me answers. It's a great miracle, him walking by my
In the beginning he was a great Indian man. He
was a fighter for every human being. A great doctor, a wise person.
Also in that life he was a great soulmate.
Many years we were together, helping every
person. His love is so great, It's shining on the earth.
It's my soulmate, hear him sing..
And now i'm going home as he takes my hand.
A long time ago he died and we lived apart for so long. But now it's
time and we are together forever. He found me on this earth and
brought me to the Light.
Thank you my love..